Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Pencil Face

Hey you guys, sorry if I'm posting late today. I just hit with a cold, it's horrible! But that's what I get for sleeping with the window open! I just love the cold :( Anyway here is a video, tell me what you think! Thank you all for the lovely comments! :D


  1. I sleep with cold air blowing, no sheets, and on the floor, and I don't get colds very often.

    Also, that video is nightmare fuel.

  2. i'd draw myself some hooke... erhm.. nevermind

  3. Loved the cinematography.

  4. Pencil got me trippin..hope you feel better!

  5. The cold is always better than waking up too hot at 4 in the morning and never going being able to go back to sleep. Cold=more fuzzy blankets!

    I'm a pen girl myself :| .
